Offshore Wind Farm

Operated by Equinor

Onshore location

A new seabed export cable will bring the electricity generated by both the Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm extensions to shore at Weybourne, on the coast of Norfolk, UK.

Sheringham Shoal Windfarm offshore site location map

From there a new underground cable will be installed to transit the electricity to a purpose-built onshore City of Norwich. Norwich Main substation is the National Grid network connection point for the electricity from both wind farm extensions, and the new substation will be located 250m south of Norwich Main, west of the Norwich to London railway line.

The substation is needed to transform the electricity from 220kV to 400kV before connection into the National Grid.

A haul road will be used along the onshore route within the cable corridor to reduce the number of access points and HGV trips on the local road network. Additionally, where the route crosses all A and B roads and 16 local roads, trenchless crossings will be implemented to minimise disruption. The project will be served by several temporary construction compounds, all located close to a main A road wherever possible to minimise impacts on local communities. The main construction compound will be located near the village of Attlebridge.

For general enquiries please E-mail: gm_sepdep@equinor.com

Community enquiries to Nigel Tompkins, Community Liaison Officer
T: 01263 822427 M: 07860 206565